About The Brand

Hello shoppers! My name is Dominic Collins, I am the proud owner and operator of the YouTube channel RippingRodsTV. I started my fishing journey when I was just a little kid, I have always loved fishing, and in the year 2020 I started my channel, and named it Fishing with Dom, I started the channel for fun after following Kickin their bass TV, Lojo, and of course my personal favorite FishingWithNorm. I created one video in the year 2021, and I didn't post for another two years. In the year 2023 I started to try more on YouTube, and post a little bit more. Almost to the end of the year 2023 I hit 1k subscribers on YouTube, and I freaked out! I thought I had finally become a "YOUTUBER." And I was overjoyed to be somewhat popular. Then I went on the grind, fishing posting on multiple platforms such as YouTube, fishbrain, and a very little on instagram. I Had one video hit 1.5 million views, that I created with some of my best friends, and thats when I everything took off. I started posting on the daily, I had people reaching out to me left and right about sponsoring me, whether It be for there tableware, there alarm clocks, or there fishing gear, they wanted me to feature there brands. And after all that is started a merchandise store. And people were showing me tons of support.Then In the year 2024, it took off again, I had another video hit 994,000 views and I hit 8k subscribers! I was so happy and blessed in those days, and I still am! About a month after that I hit monetization on YouTube, "The first form" this only means I can make money on memberships, and donations, so I was making absolutely nothing, which made me a little discouraged. But I knew if I somehow hit 10mil in 90 days I would be making good money. And fast forward to today I have almost 11k subscribers on YouTube, and I have started my own online fishing store! All proceeds from this store, go towards my YouTube channel, and giveaways for fish brain and YouTube! 
Now that you know my story one becoming a fishing influencer, I hope that you have given my baits a try, and you'll order some to try for yourself and share with your friends, and maybe even sharing my story! 
- Dominic(RippingRodsTV)